MVP vs Prototype: Key Differences Explained

published on 27 February 2024

Understanding the difference between an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and a prototype is crucial when developing a new product. Here's a quick breakdown to help you grasp the essentials:

  • MVP: A simplified version of your product with enough features for users to start using it. Its purpose is to test the product concept in the real market and gather feedback for improvements.
  • Prototype: A preliminary model used to explore the design and functionality of your product. It's aimed at getting internal feedback to refine the product's design before it hits the market.

Key Differences:

  • Purpose and Goal: MVP tests market viability; Prototype tests design and usability.
  • Target Audience: MVP is for potential customers; Prototype is for internal stakeholders.
  • Complexity and Functionality: MVP is a basic functional product; Prototype may not be fully functional.
  • Development Process and Time: MVP requires more resources; Prototype is quicker and cheaper to make.
  • Feedback and Iteration: MVP feedback focuses on product-market fit; Prototype feedback focuses on design and experience.
  • Cost Implications: MVP is more resource-intensive; Prototypes are less expensive.

Whether you're working on a tech product, a mobile app, or any other type of innovation, understanding when to use an MVP versus a prototype can save time and resources while ensuring your product meets market needs effectively.

Understanding the Basics

What is a Prototype?

Think of a prototype as a first draft or a sketch of what a new product might look like. It's not the final product, but it's a model that lets you test out your ideas. You can check if the design makes sense, if it's easy to use, and if it does what you want it to do, without spending a lot of money or time making it perfect.

Prototypes usually:

  • Show off design ideas with pictures or models
  • Let you see how users might move through the app or product
  • Test some parts of the product to see how they work
  • Are quick and cheap to make
  • Can be changed easily based on what people think

Prototypes are great for figuring out what works and what doesn't. Once they've done their job in helping improve the design, they're usually set aside.

What is an MVP?

An MVP, or minimum viable product, is like the simplest version of your product that you can actually put out in the world. It has just the basics that allow people to use it and give you feedback.

The goals of an MVP are to:

  • See if people are interested in your product
  • Test your main ideas about the product with real users
  • Get feedback early on to help make your product better
  • Start measuring how well your product does with actual users
  • Keep risks and costs low at the start

Unlike a prototype, an MVP is all about learning from real use, not just showing off a concept. It's a basic but working version of your product that people can start using. Based on what you learn from these early users, you can make your product better and better until it's just right.

Key Differences Between MVP and Prototype

1. Purpose and Goal

A prototype is basically a first version of a product made to show how it could look and work. It's used to get feedback on the design and how users might interact with it.

On the other hand, an MVP is a simpler version of the final product with just enough features for people to use it. The main idea is to see if the product solves a problem for customers and to learn from their feedback.

2. Target Audience

Prototypes are mostly shared with people inside the company, like team members and investors, to get their thoughts and support.

MVPs, however, are given to actual potential customers to see if there's real interest in the product.

3. Complexity and Functionality

Prototypes focus on the look and feel of a product but don't really work like the final product will. They can be simple or detailed but don't have all the features.

MVPs have the basic functions needed for people to actually use the product, even though it's not fully developed yet.

4. Development Process and Time

Making a prototype is usually quicker and easier because it's all about showing the idea without needing to fully build it.

Creating an MVP takes more time and effort because it involves building a version of the product that works well enough for people to start using it.

5. Feedback and Iteration

Feedback from prototypes is mostly about how the product looks and feels. It helps improve the design.

Feedback from MVPs is based on how people use the product. It shows if the product meets their needs and what should be changed or added.

6. Cost Implications

Prototypes can be made cheaply since they don't need to be fully functional.

MVPs require more resources to build and maintain because they need to work well enough for real use.

Case Studies

Let's look at some real examples to see how MVPs and prototypes are used in making products. These stories show how they help in creating something that people like and use.


Spotify played around with different designs for its app before deciding on the look we see today. They made early versions (prototypes) to test out the design and see what people thought. After settling on a design, they built a basic version of the app (MVP) for people to try out and give feedback. This helped Spotify make sure they were on the right track.


Slack started with a video showing a new way for teams to talk to each other. This early version (prototype) got people interested and helped get the money needed to make a real product. The first version of Slack (MVP) was simple, focusing on basic chat features. Even without all the features we have now, it showed that the idea was good. Slack improved the app based on what users said, growing into the tool many teams use today.


Uber first tested its idea with a simple app that let people book rides through text messages. This was their prototype to see if people liked the idea. Then, Uber made a basic app (MVP) in San Francisco to connect riders with drivers. The first version of Uber didn't have a lot of features we know now, but it proved that the idea could work. Uber added more features over time based on what users wanted.

These stories show how prototypes and MVPs can work together:

  • Prototypes help test out designs and ideas without too much work.
  • MVPs let you see if the main part of your product works with real users.
  • Starting simple makes it easier to improve based on what people say.
  • After proving the basic idea, you can add more to the product.

So, while MVPs and prototypes are different, they both play important roles in making a product better.


Choosing Between MVP and Prototype

When you're deciding to go for an MVP or a prototype, think about a few important things:

Goals and Validation Needs

  • MVPs are all about seeing if your whole product idea and its market fit are good.
  • Prototypes check if the design and how users feel about it are on point.
  • If you mainly want to see if people would actually use and buy your product, an MVP is probably your best bet.
  • If you're more focused on tweaking how your product looks and feels, then a prototype might be what you need.

Available Resources

  • MVPs take more time and work to build.
  • Prototypes can be whipped up faster and with less stuff.
  • If you're tight on money, starting with a prototype to test things out might make more sense.
  • If you've got the funds, you might want to jump straight to building an MVP to test with real users.

Project Timelines

  • MVPs are better if you're not in a huge rush and can take some time to develop.
  • Prototypes are great if you need to get feedback fast and don't have a lot of time.
  • If you need to move quickly, a simple prototype might be the way to go.
  • If you have a bit more time to play around, then going for an MVP could work better.

There's no one-size-fits-all answer here - it really depends on what you're trying to achieve, how much time and money you have, and what kind of feedback you're looking for. An MVP gives you a chance to test your product in the real world, while a prototype can give you quick feedback early on. Sometimes, using a bit of both at different stages can be a smart move. The main thing is to figure out what you need most for your project.


To wrap it up, MVPs and prototypes are both really important when you're creating a new product, but they do different things.

Prototypes help you:

  • Check out the design and how users might interact with it
  • Get opinions on your ideas
  • Spot possible improvements early without spending a lot

They're great for making sure things like how easy your product is to use and how it looks are on the right track before you dive into making it for real.

MVPs are all about:

  • Seeing if your main product idea actually works
  • Finding out if it solves a problem for people
  • Getting real feedback from users

They let you put a simple but working version of your product out there for your target customers to try.

The cool thing is, prototypes and MVPs can help each other out. Here's how:

  • Prototypes make your idea something you can see and touch, which helps get everyone excited and on the same page.
  • MVPs let you test your idea in the real world and tweak it based on what users say.
  • Feedback from both helps you make your product better and better.

Instead of picking one over the other, using both can really help you out. They help make sure that by the time you're ready to launch, you've got a product that people actually want.

Finding the right mix depends on what you're trying to do, how much time and money you have, and how you feel about taking risks. But together, prototypes and MVPs give you a solid plan for turning your ideas into something real that people will want to use.

What is the key difference between an MVP and a prototype?

The biggest difference is what they're used for. An MVP is a simple version of a product that's actually used by people to check if the main idea is good and to get their opinions. A prototype is more like a draft used inside the team to show how the product might look or work, but it's not fully working yet.

What is the difference between prototype and MVP?

Here are the main points:

  • Purpose: A prototype is for looking at design and how people might use something, while an MVP tests if the basic product idea is something people want.
  • Functionality: A prototype shows the design, but an MVP has enough features to be used in a basic way.
  • Audience: Prototypes are shown to the team and maybe some investors for their thoughts, but MVPs are given to actual potential customers to see if they're interested.
  • Development time: Prototypes are made quickly to show ideas, but making an MVP takes more effort because it needs to work for real users.

What is the difference between MVP and PoC prototype?

  • A PoC (proof-of-concept) prototype checks if an idea can actually be made.
  • A prototype shows the design and how users might interact with it.
  • An MVP is a simple, working version to see if people like the basic idea.

The big difference is what they're for: a PoC checks if something is possible, a prototype shows the look and feel, and an MVP tests if the idea is good with real people.

What are the key differences between a prototype and a production design?

Here's what sets them apart:

  • Materials: Prototypes might use simple stuff, but final products are made with better materials.
  • Testing: Prototypes are for trying out ideas, but production designs are the finished, tested versions.
  • Polish: Prototypes show the concept, but production designs are all about looking good and working well.
  • Functionality: Prototypes have just enough features to get feedback, but production designs do everything they're supposed to.

In short, prototypes help figure out if an idea works, while production designs are the polished, ready-to-sell versions.

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